Men's Day Golf
9:00 AM
9:00 am shotgun start $5.00 members, green fees apply for non members. 18 holes Sign up at the clubhouse
Dianna Bonder | Cirko Bizarro | Free Spirit Gallery | Feature Exhibition
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Free Spirit Gallery is proud to present Dianna Bonder's first solo show at the gallery Cirko Bizzaro. Dianna is a longtime Gabriola resident and artist, she maintains a full time practice in her studio gallery on Gabriola Island, BC, where she works in res
Islandia : art on island life
7:00 PM - 5:00 PM
A group show at Nova Gallery featuring the work of several local artists working in almost every medium.
Ladies Day Golf at the Gabriola Golf Club
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Join us for 9 or 18 holes of golf $4 fee for members, green fees apply for non-members 50 cents chip in pot The sign-up sheet can be found in the clubhouse. Weekly Prizes Lunch is available after play, signup beforehand. Lottie
Shazaam at the Gabriola Golf Club
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Join in a fun game of Shazaam 9 holes of golf with rewards for long putts, KP and cleaners. Tee-off starts at 5 pm $5.00 gets you into the game. Green Fees for non-members Burgers are available after the round, order before you play
Brickyard Music and Art
5:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Welcome to our 3rd season of BRICKYARD! We are so excited to welcome everyone back for the most colourful and exciting outdoor event on Gabriola Island! Bring: Instruments, potluck dishes, blankets, chairs, flashlights, coats, beachwear, drinks, and ...
Men's Day Golf
9:00 AM
9:00 am shotgun start $5.00 members, green fees apply for non members. 18 holes Sign up at the clubhouse
AA Meeting
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Open to all. AA meets Sunday at 7pm, Wednesday at 7pm, and Friday at noon at the Gabriola Fellowship Church. Call 250-753-7513 for details.