Gabriola Events

a gathering place for all events on Gabriola


Gabriola Events

Sep Oct
27 11
10:00 AM - 4:00 AM

As we move past summer and into Autumn, our physical landscape and environment transitions into a new cycle of change. This shift means a time of creativity. Nature follows seasons and so do artists, although not always in sync. This time where we are ...

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Our first "Island Cafe" event - a song by Leah Hokanson to start, then some amazing local success stories. We'll then break out into table discussions to come up with a arange of home-grown Gabriola solutions, to counter the wicked problems related to ...

Sep Oct
30 2

Gabriola once again welcomes the Venerable Lama Losang Samten, who is returning to share the healing power of Tara. Lama Losang Samten has been sharing teachings of loving kindness, joy, compassion, and the path to enlightenment for almost 30 years. ...

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The Details

  • Events need to be approved.  Please allow up to 3 days for review and posting.
  • Images can be added to the content using copy/paste.
  • The GICC reserves the right to modify your submission for clarity and content, and may choose, at its discretion, not to post an event on the Community Calendar.